Surviving as an Empath
In todays emotional world
In todays emotionally charged environment it can be harder than ever to function in everyday life. We may be becoming even more sensitive, but we still have to interact with others and earn a living to pay our way in society. I personally have days where I just want to hide from the world and forget all the upheaval that is going on.
How to deal with the sometimes crushing emotional energy, thankfully there are several ways to do this.
- Daily Meditation
- Grounding Exercises
- Saging
- Wearing Protective Crystals/Stones
- Candle magic/protection
- Visualization
- Cleansing Baths/Showers
- Aroma Theraphy
- Reiki
- Guides/Angels/Connection to Spirit
- Chakra Work
There are many good meditations out there to help us stay focused and able to deal with the energies that are swirling around. I personally have found that writing my own mediation and saying the words into the recorder myself (with background music) seems to work best for me. The reason why is I know the things that are bothering me the most and can address those issues directly.
Grounding is always a great way to deal with feeling scattered and disconnected. One of the techniques I use is to sit quietly for just a moment and focus on my breath. Once my breathing has evened out I begin to picture a large cord extended from my root chakra and going into the earth which I then attach to the center of the earth by wrapping it around an iron bar that is located there. I have helped some people who have had issues with being that grounded by helping them to visualize themselves as a tree, a willow tree works well since it is strong, but flexible. So you can feel grounded with out feeling confined. As you can see there are several things you can do to feel grounded, it is a matter of finding what resonates with you working with it.
If you work from home or in a space that is private you can burn sage in your space, which will help you to clear out other energies and reclaim the space. There are many forms of cleansing a space, so if you have to share a space they can be used. Florida water sprayed in your area can work. Maybe before other people show up for work. You can also use chimes and crystals that you could place inside your desk or work environment. (For more info on Crystals Please refer to The book of Stones by Robert Simmons)
Visualization of a protective boundary will help and can be done at anytime quickly, Some people respond to a pyramid with mirrors facing out to repel any unwanted energy. I personally use a permeable bubble as I work with spirit on a regular basis and want to allow some of the energies to come in, but only those of the highest good for all involved. There are many ways to do this, a brick wall, one person I helped settled on a mesh filter like substance. There are no wrong or right ways to do this. Whatever works for you is the right way.
Taking cleansing baths at the end of each day can go a long way in helping to keep you aura cleansed from all the negativity. Using epsom salt or a specially prepared cleansing bath bomb that you purchase will do the same thing. Spend at least 15 min soaking in the tub of salt water, using a visualization of cleaning the energy of the day off. After the 15 min. or longer then stand up under the shower and allow the clean water to wash any residue off. You can skip the bath if you do not have access to a tub. Using a bath/shower soap and add a small amount of salt scrub all of yourself and visualize the energy that has stuck to you, washing down the drain.
Aroma Theraphy is another way to fight the pull of all the outside energy. You can use a nice mix of oils you can prepare yourself or but something remade for calm and cleansing. For the sake of this article I would advise using the internet and google to find the sets that would work for you.
If you have been attuned to Reiki it is an ideal way to reach a calm and collected feeling. If you have not been attuned to Reiki I would advise seeking out your local Reiki share and learning more about it. Being attuned to Reiki level one is a must for everyone. This would allow you to work with the Reiki energy for yourself. Please reach out to your local Reiki Master and find out more.
I know that some people have not met their Guides/Angels/and Spirit, I would advise everyone to search for that connection. If you are having a problem believing or visualizing them that is ok you still only need to call on them for help and they will be there. They will not interfere unless you ask, so ask. Be specific in what you want from them and just allow it.
Working with your chakras on a regular basis is a good way to keep yourself grounded and clear. I combine this with meditation and have written a grounding meditation that works well. You can read the meditation into the recorder and listen when you need a quick reminder. This is a short meditation and can be used anywhere you have your phone and headphones.
As with everything we learn/do/hear please use what works of you and leave the rest. Not everything will work for everyone, so it is our responsibility to find what works for us. Remember there is not right or wrong way only the best way for yourself.
by;Beth Rennie
You can read this meditation into a recording device to keep on hand when you need a few moments to center yourself.
-Make yourself comfortable and take a deep breath, then release the breath slowly.
-Take another breath feeling all the muscles in your legs relax, as you release the breath slowly in and out.
-Now imagine yourself in the place that you are the happiest and most comfortable.
-We are now going to imagine a brilliant cord attached to our Root Chakra, we can see that this cord goes down into the earth and attaches to a bar of pure iron in the center of the earth, This will hold us firmly in place in this present moment.
-Take a deep breath and release it slowly, as you envision the green energy of the Earth move up through the soles of your feet, feel the energy as it moves into your knees.
-Feeling the energy as it moves up through your hips and into your Root Chakra as it expands and Cleanses you, you feel grounded and safe.
-Now allow the energy to move up through your Sacral Chakra Cleansing you and expanding your ability to create and to feel joy.
-Take a deep Breath and exhale slowly allowing the energy to flow into your Solar Plexus Chakra, taking a moment to allow the energy to cleanse your Solar Plexus, giving you back your personal power and releasing judgement of self, allowing you to manifest your reality.
-Slowly take a deep breath and exhale allowing the energy to move into your Heart Chakra allow the energy to expand and feel the love that mother earth has for you. Know that you can give that love and never be depleted. Watch as the green energy expands and fills your heart chakra to its fullest spinning in just the right direction.
-Now take a breath and exhale, moving the energy from the earth up to your Throat
Chakra Opening it to allow you to speak your truth with the love generated from your
-Take a breath and release it as you also release the energy that has been holding you back from your highest good.
-As the energy moves up into your Third Eye Chakra it will allow your perception of reality to grow. Visualizing the life you want to live and moving into your intuitive abilities. Seeing beyond this dimension and into all the dimensions.
-Take a slow deep breath and as you release it also release the fear of what you might see. Moving the earth energy into your Crown Chakra opening your connection with divine.
(Repeat the following Speaking slowly)
- I am one with the universe, I am Consciously living my Divine purpose, I am open to My highest good and the abundance of the universe.
-Take another Breath releasing it as you release your expectations of what is and what should be.
-As the earth energy moves out into the universe we want to welcome the divine energy of the universe into our Crown Chakra, this energy is a beautiful iridescent color with sparkles of all colors. It holds all the mysteries of the universe.
-Take a deep breath and exhale slowly as the earth energy and the divine universal energy meet.
- As they flow together back through each of our Chakras, the Crown Chakra, breathing in between each chakra as it moves into your Third Eye Chakra, then slowly breathing in....and out... it moves into your Throat Chakra then down into your Heart Chakra as it slows down it swirls around, lighting and cleansing your heart. Breathing in....and out... it moves into your Solar Plexus Chakra, then slowly....moving into your Sacral Chakra, breath in...and out... moving the divine energy into your Root Chakra. Twining the energy together to form a beautiful column of light spiraling in green and iridescent energy.
-Imagine yourself completely illuminated from the inside out with this column of light.
-Take a breath and release it as you also release the energy that has been holding you back from your highest good.
-As the energy moves up into your Third Eye Chakra it will allow your perception of reality to grow. Visualizing the life you want to live and moving into your intuitive abilities. Seeing beyond this dimension and into all the dimensions.
-Take a slow deep breath and as you release it also release the fear of what you might see. Moving the earth energy into your Crown Chakra opening your connection with divine.
(Repeat the following Speaking slowly)
- I am one with the universe, I am Consciously living my Divine purpose, I am open to My highest good and the abundance of the universe.
-Take another Breath releasing it as you release your expectations of what is and what should be.
-As the earth energy moves out into the universe we want to welcome the divine energy of the universe into our Crown Chakra, this energy is a beautiful iridescent color with sparkles of all colors. It holds all the mysteries of the universe.
-Take a deep breath and exhale slowly as the earth energy and the divine universal energy meet.
- As they flow together back through each of our Chakras, the Crown Chakra, breathing in between each chakra as it moves into your Third Eye Chakra, then slowly breathing in....and out... it moves into your Throat Chakra then down into your Heart Chakra as it slows down it swirls around, lighting and cleansing your heart. Breathing in....and out... it moves into your Solar Plexus Chakra, then slowly....moving into your Sacral Chakra, breath in...and out... moving the divine energy into your Root Chakra. Twining the energy together to form a beautiful column of light spiraling in green and iridescent energy.
-Imagine yourself completely illuminated from the inside out with this column of light.
-I would like for you to envision the combined lights making a fountain out of the top of
your head and each of your hands, as the energy flows all round you it begins to form a
protective shield.
-This shield will protect you from anything that is not for your highest good.
-Now that you are grounded, protected and filled with energy, you can come back to this room while maintaining this column inside you and the grounding cord attached to the earth with your shield swirling around you totally protected.
-Take three slow deep breaths exhaling slowly, begin to move your toes and fingers as you feel yourself moving in your body. When you are ready open your eyes.
-This shield will protect you from anything that is not for your highest good.
-Now that you are grounded, protected and filled with energy, you can come back to this room while maintaining this column inside you and the grounding cord attached to the earth with your shield swirling around you totally protected.
-Take three slow deep breaths exhaling slowly, begin to move your toes and fingers as you feel yourself moving in your body. When you are ready open your eyes.
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